Professor Jin Dongxun
He was graduated from Minzu University ofChina in 1965 and became a teacher afterwards. He was Editor in Chief ofYanbian University Publishing House, Director of Korean Language &Literature Research Institute, Full Professor of Korean College and former Deanof Department of Applied Korean and now the Director of Sino-Korean CultureCommunication Center. His concurrent posts included “Adviser of Korean CultureResearch Institute, Beijing University; Director of Chinese Minority LiteratureSociety; Vice Chairman of Folk Literature & Art Association, Ji LinProvince; Director of East Asian Folklore Society. His publications included 《TheKorean Culture》and 《TheContrastive Study of Korean & Chinese Folk Stories 》. Inaddition, he edited 《CulturalHistory Series of Korean Minority》(11volumes in all)and 《LiteratureSeries of Korean Minority, China》(30volumes in all). He also received “China Published Book Award”, “ChangbaiMountain Literature & Art Award” and “Wolong Academic Award, YanbianUniversity”
Note: (Wolong: Figurative term for ZhuGeliang, a resourceful man in Chinese classic novel 《Romanceof Three Kingdoms》.