The Program of Korean had its first student enrolment in 2005 and itdeveloped itself into the Department of Korean in 2007. Currently theDepartment has 405 registered students and so far it has 612 graduated studentsfrom the Program. The Department of Korean boasts a quite competent faculty inits professional expertise. Among its 13 full-time teachers, there are 3 FullProfessors, 2 Associate Professors, 5 Visiting Professors and 50 percent of theteachers in the Department are the holders of Senior Professional Titles. Inaddition, the Department has two native Koreans working a on long-term basis aswell as two entrepreneurs working as part-time teachers. The Department paysevery attention to cultivating and improving students’ ability to apply the targetlanguage. As a result, a student from the Department has been awarded the FirstPrize in “Korean Speech Contest” recently held among National Technical &Vocational Institutions of Higher Learning. Moreover, the students from theDepartment of Korean have won many honors for SICFL by performing sooutstandingly in “Korean Speech Contests, Korean Song Singing Competition,Korean Writing Contest” held by Technical & Vocational Institutions ofHigher Learning in East China Region and Consulate General of Republic of Koreain Shanghai.
The Department also attaches much importanceto carrying out cooperation with Korean tertiary schools, maintaining frequentexchange among teachers and students between Institutions of Higher Learning .In November, 2013, “High-Level Symposium on Sino-Korean Culture Communication”was held at SICFL and about 30 professors and scholars attended the meeting atthe invitation of the organizing committee, which greatly helped to make SICFLbetter famous among Chinese and Korean Institutions of Higher Learning. What iseven more important is that the set-up of “Sino-Korean Culture &Communication Historical Material Gallery” has become another landmark in interculturalcommunication in SICFL.