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Department of French
发布人:院办 发布时间:2014-10-25 浏览次数:

After one- year-long preparation,the Department of French was established in May, 2003. Thanks to thepersevering efforts by the Faculty in the past decade, the Program of AppliedFrench has developed itself into one with its characteristic features.Currently, the Department has 370 registered students and the graduatedstudents from the Department have numbered 1,089. The Department has a team ofyoung but full of development potential. 7 full-time teachers are all fromdomestic and overseas famous universities and two of them have got abundantexperience in Chinese institutions functioning abroad.

 The Department of French emphasizes the development of students’ abilityto apply the target language and it has already achieved a great deal in itsfirst phase of educational reform. After several rounds of strict examination,one student has been selected to work as interpreter for medical corps of ourcountry to Morocco, a breakthrough in educational achievement in the history ofSICFL.

  Inrecent years, the Department of French has been very active in itsinternational collaboration with overseas tertiary schools. In the first halfof 2014 only, there were approximately 40 students who went to CUEF-UniversiteStendhal-Grenoble 3 to have course-based study and experience the authenticFrench culture there, which was a huge success. More importantly, thecompletion of “Fu Lei’s Life Gallery” (Fu Lei: one of the most renowntranslators in China) on the campus is yet another brilliant and importantplatform where students can learn from the man of letters and practice their spokenFrench.

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